miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

Rosa Park’s workshop

One of the workshops that we had on this special week about coeducation was Rosa Park’s story. It was an interesting lesson. First, we read about her, then we watched the story and finally, we drew a big bus with our thoughts.

Rosa Parks was an Afro-American woman. She had dark skin and she had got glasses. She had black curly hair.

One day she was at the bus stop waiting for the bus. She was very tired. She sat on the chair of white people. At the next stop, one white person said : - you can not sit here because this chair is for white people. Rosa parks said no. The bus driver called the police and Rosa Parks was arrested.

Next day, the black people were angry and they decided not to use the bus. They walked and rode a bike. They wanted to be equal as white people. Rosa Parks was free. Finally, white and black people were the same.

Then, individually we wrote some sentences such as: “Tots som iguals”, “No al racisme”, “No a les retallades”, “Ser valent no vol dir tenir força”, “No a la violència de gènere”or “No a la injustícia”. At the end, we sticked them in our big yellow bus at the second floor.

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Civicleta en pijama

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